Zora - One Piece

H E L I O S !


. N A V I G A T I O N .

☆*:.。 about。.:*☆
☆*:.。 diary。.:*☆
☆*:.。 brain dump。.:*☆
☆*:.。 blog entries。.:*☆
☆*:.。 dream journal。.:*☆
☆*:.。 commonplace book。.:*☆
☆*:.。 shrine。.:*☆
☆*:.。 films。.:*☆
☆*:.。reviews (lit. & media)。.:*☆

. M I S C .

☆*:.。nct log。.:*☆
☆*:.。favourites animes。.:*☆
☆*:.。favourites manga。.:*☆
☆*:.。free literature emails。.:*☆
☆*:.。obsessions infodump。.:*☆
☆*:.。 lyrics。.:*☆
☆*:.。 gif collection。.:*☆

have u got itchy bones??? - alex turner

"She stood for a moment looking out at a slowly moving view of the hills, watching heather slide past underneath the door, feeling the wind blow her wispy hair, and listening to the rumble and grind of the big black stones as the castle moved."

"I think we ought to live happily ever after."

It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed! Hit Counter

"I'm dying of boredom," Howl said pathetically. "Or maybe just dying."

Welcome.. to the inner workings of my mind. Do you hear the screws moving? Let me introduce myself..

I like a lot of things. I eat a lot of things. I sleep a lot. Currently I'm studying medicine and in my free time I translate Greek texts. At the moment I'm translating The Iliad.

I like being nostalgic over the old web as much as the next person. I also really like comedy shows. I have a button!! Featuring my ocs Ajax (left) and Alice (right) :3

That's all! Look through my website to learn more about me, what I like etc. And if you ever want to talk, send me an email! (ajaxhub111@gmail.com)

Lots of love <3

update log(〃^▽^〃)

15 december, added diary entries i forgot to upload, and a new dream entry.
18 october, new dream entries , new nct log update. , and added a "fave characters" space in my anime page!
17 october, new commonplace entry!, also new page, "nct log"!!
10 october, new film reviews.
4 october, under construction!
1 october, new microblog posts!
28 september, new microblog layout and post!
24 september, new american film review entry!
23 september, new diary entry!
5 september, new diary entry!
27 june new diary entry & newsletter page!
21 june, new diary entry!
19 june, new diary entry!
17 june, tweaking homepage. almost all pages added! also misc page added w my fave animanga! gna be updating those two pages regularly over de daysss
16 june, new homepage!
2 jan 2023, website start!